Iris Classon
Iris Classon - In Love with Code

Is your (Metro) App designed for accessibility?

Planning your Metro app, I’ve highlighted the bits that I recommend you spend some extra time on

I am still working on my Metro app, I am actually re-doing the whole thing,- I want to make it perfect and follow the guidelines to detail. I am right now adding some more stuff to my app-plan (a document where I write down how the app is going to work, with checklists for myself so nothing gets left out). Today I’ve spent some time reading up on accessibility, it is so easy to forget this one! - But it shouldnt be as it is very important! Metro app or not, I would recommend you spend a few minutes and have a read.

I’ve highlighted the ‘design for acecssibility’ bits that gave me a lot, I recommend you have a read


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Last modified on 2012-06-28

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